Douglas Mike Day Cause of Deah: How Did the US Navy SEAL Die?

Silver Medal recipient and former Navy SEAL Douglas “Mike” Day passed away after being sh0t 27 times in Iraq in 2007.

“We mourn the loss of an outstanding Naval Special Warfare teammate, former Senior Chief Mike Day,” a Naval Special Warfare Command spokeswoman said in an email to Navy Times. We will always remember his contribution to the special operations community, and his bravery and determination set the bar to which we all aspire.

In April of 2007, Day was the assault force commander for Naval Special Warfare Task Unit-Fallujah, and his unit was tasked with conducting a joint helicopter-borne direct action mission to capture a high-ranking member of al-Qaida.

The day was the first member of his team to approach the chamber where the enemy insurgents were located and engage in heavy automatic weapons fire, as stated in his Silver Star citation.

The Silver Star citation reads, “Despite several gunsh0t w0unds, he continued to fight the enemy, shifting to his pistol following the loss of his primary weapon, eliminating three enemy individuals without injury to the women and children near the hostile personnel.”

Day suffered 16 sh0ts to the stomach, arms, and legs, and his body armor took another 11. Shrapnel from a grenade also hit him. The initial phase of his healing lasted two years, but he revealed that he continued to experience suffering in his memoir “Perfectly Wounded,” set for release in 2020.

“I didn’t even know how terrible I was hurting until they came in and I saw the looks on their faces,” Day told Coffee or Die Magazine in 2020. This expression is well-known to everyone.

According to Day’s release paperwork acquired by Navy Times, he has been awarded the Silver Star “for exceptional courage and intrepidity in action,” as well as two Bronze Stars (one with combat valor), and a Purple Heart.

After the Medal of Honor and the Navy Cross, the Silver Star is the Navy and Marine Corps third-highest combat distinction for valor. The effects of military duty on Day’s mental health were documented in his memoir as well. They included PTSD and a traumatic brain injury.

He said it best to Coffee or Die: “Throughout my life, I’ve had a lot of trauma, and I have gained the perspective that I don’t care what happens.” “I’ll figure it out when it happens.”

In 1989, Day enlisted in the Navy, and he finally got out in 2010. After that, he became an official U.S. representative for wounded soldiers. Special Forces Division.

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Douglas Mike Day Cause of Dea†h

The dea†h’s cause of Douglas Mike Day remains unknown. Mike Day, a former Navy SEAL, d!ed on March 27, 2023. It was speculated that he took his own life.

Mike Day was caught in the middle of a fierce firefight with three Al Qaeda terrorists on Friday, April 6, 2007, after he was the first member of his squad to enter a room in a town near Fallujah, Iraq. There were several minutes of intense combat. When the enemy troops opened fire, Day was hit by 27 separate bullets.

Only 11 bullets were able to penetrate his body armor, while the remaining 16 puts him in critical condition. A grenade exploded about 10 feet away from him, knocking him out cold.

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